Judaism in Tbilisi

The Georgian Jewish Community
The Georgian Jewish Community is very old. According to the community's traditional account, the Georgian Jews trace their origins to a group of Jews who were exiled from Israel shortly before the destruction of the first Temple. Over the years, Jews from Persia and Russia joined the community.
At its peak, the community had 120,000 members. They were Jews who lived in the cities and in many villages throughout Georgia. Today, about 4,000 people make up the community, most of which reside in the city of Tbilisi.
Ancient and unique synagogues are now being maintained by the community in Tbilisi, and synagogues can be visited in the following cities: Gori, Akhaltsikhe, Kutaisi, Oni and Batumi. Of the seventeen synagogues in Tbilisi, two are currently active. Two are located on Kote Afkhazi street, which is the main thoroughfare of the Old City of Tbilisi.